Cheryl Joseph

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I've been sharing the practice of yoga in the Iyengar tradition in Vancouver since 2009. As a certified Iyengar yoga teacher, I teach each individual according to their capacity at any given time, presenting opportunities to deepen their understanding through adaptations, progressions and contemplations. I continue to study regularly with the Iyengar family and am grateful to benefit from their knowledge and wisdom. When I'm not immersed in yoga, you'll find me enjoying the calming ocean on a stand-up paddleboard at Jericho beach or cherishing time with my family, friends, and my dog Richard.

A little more about me…

I grew up in Quebec and graduated from McGill University. My career in information technology spanned a wide range of industries in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver with an interlude in Tokyo to teach ESL.

I have always enjoyed an active life and knew I had to share the practice of yoga in the Iyengar tradition when I experienced what B.K.S. Iyengar said: “Yoga does not just change the way we see things; it transforms the person who sees.”

Yoga presented the tools to enhance my performance in my endeavors and brought an overall sense of quiet and centeredness. I experienced relief from long term pain and imbalance from a cycling-car accident in my twenties; and more recently it proved indispensable to recovery from a fifth metatarsal spiral fracture.

After years of study, practice and sitting certification assessments I progressively shifted from my career in industry to teaching yoga.

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