Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

Progressive Sessions

Classes run 90 minutes and are grouped together into winter, spring, summer and fall sessions.  Each class is balanced to cover poses/asana that provide a range of movement and recovery. As the session progresses the foundational classes lead to exploration of a variety of poses to broaden and deepen understanding of your own yoga practice. 

At times in our lives we need accommodations due to restrictions for various conditions. Be they musculoskeletal or other, short term or long term you will receive adaptations and support.

Register for a full session to get the full benefit of the practice. Missed classes can be made up for either online or in person.

In Person Class

We meet in a large bright hall in Mount Pleasant near Broadway and Main. Props are available for use, or if you prefer you are welcome to bring your own. Please keep it a is a scent free zone for sensitives.

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Online Class

The classes take place on Google Meet. Set up your camera to show your full mat and yourself from head to toe. We use these  props: mat, 2 blankets, 2 yoga blocks, a yoga belt and a chair. 

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Online Lead Practice

The 60 minute lead practice takes place on Google Meet. I will talk you through the poses and do them with you. Thus, you will have visual and audible instruction as we practice together.  You need to know your adaptations / options for poses.

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Restorative and Pranayama

Restore in poses that encourage total mind and body relaxation. In the quiet state we will observe the breath, explore the pathways and practice breathing techniques as presented by the Iyengar family beginning with breath awareness.

adho mukha virasana

2024 Sessions


January 2


March 30


April 2


June 30

No classes

May 2 to 15


July 8


August 21



September 2


December 22

No classes

October 14